Day 1 – The Hike In It’s the simple things that give a deeper meaning to life. The busy-ness and constant distractions of our day-to-day rarely provide us with deep fulfilment. It’s only when you stop and look (really look) up at the billions of stars, or sit in front of a fireplace and talk
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Fundy Footpath – Rapidy Brook to Martin Head
From the Rapidy Brook Access Trail to Wolf Brook We began in the dark. It took me a few minutes to convince Vicki to get out of the car. We had just passed two good sized moose before we parked. I told her that moose were only aggressive in rutting season and that the trail
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Parlee Brook Amphitheatre and Friar’s Nose
The plan: Hike up to Friar’s Nose for sunset, then hike down to the Parlee Brook Amphitheatre for some star trail photography, then hike back up to the Friar’s Nose and camp for the night before enjoying the sunrise. This would give me a chance to try out some of my new camping gear and
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From Walton Glen Gorge to the Fundy Footpath
Our two day trip to Walton Glen Gorge and the Fundy Footpath was several firsts for Vicki and I. It was our first time on either trail. It was also our first overnight hike (that may be hard to believe since we have a hiking website). It was an amazing adventure and it left us
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Third Vault Falls – Fundy Park’s Largest Waterfall
Our spring trip to Fundy National Park was an epic adventure. We were so excited to start hiking that when we arrived Friday evening we started hiking the Coppermine Trail at dusk. It was so dark that we had to get out our flashlights at about the halfway point. When we got to the lookout
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Building the Fundy Footpath Link Trail
We were planning for a day of leisure but decided to spend the day working instead. We definitely made the right choice. We arrived at Fundy National Park at around supper time on Friday. We made a quick stop at the visitor center to ask about the trails and then continued on to our campsite
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Kids and the Mapleton Acadian Forest Trail
Kids can be finicky creatures. Sometimes they are excited to go hiking, sometimes they are adamantly opposed to the idea, and sometimes they just don’t care one way or the other. Which kid is going to choose which attitude is always changing. The one thing I’ve learned in all my year’s of taking kids hiking
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Hall’s Creek – Moncton
Two days ago I visited Centennial Park and I could only see the top of the roof of the canteen building near the pond. At that time most of the trails and parks in the city of Moncton were underwater. The floodwaters had receded since then. I read on the City of Moncton website that
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Hiking NB hikes Hopewell Rocks Park
It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. It was 9:30 and already the sun was warm. We ate breakfast at the Hopewell Rocks Motel, packed the car and drove down the access road to the Hopewell Rocks Park. Once we were through the gate we stayed left on the Cape Rocks
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Hiking NB Hikes the Dobson
I didn’t get to hike the whole Dobson Trail. The whole trail is 58 km and would take several days, all the way from Riverview to Fundy National Park. I had a couple hours to spare following a drama festival at a school in Riverview so I decided to see how far I could get.
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