My kids are quickly getting to the age where they want to spend more time with their friends than they do with us. It is an inevitable part of growing up. It is nice to see them spread their wings but it makes it increasingly difficult to fit hiking into the weekends. The weather forecast
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Ancient Trails and A Bird in the Hand
I first saw the colored turtle signs in 2005 when I was working in the woods north of the Miramichi. The signs were on either side of the road just before the bridge that crosses the Nepisiguit River north of Heath Steele Mines. I asked everyone I could about the signs. My father told me
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Oasapegal Heritage Park
Some trails are rich in history. Sometimes the history is many centuries old. The Oasapegal Heritage Park in Pabineau First Nation is a small park near the mouth of Pabineau River where it flows into the Nepsiquit. Historically Pabineau River was called Oasapegal which means “flowing brightly” in Mi’gmag. The site of the park has
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