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Split Rock Falls Trail, Prince William

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Town of Hartland


The Town of Hartland is famous for having the longest covered bridge in the world. The good news is that there is a walking trail that goes right underneath it. The trail is short but has amazing views of the river and the covered bridge.

Not far from this trail is another long distance trail that travels through the town and along the river valley. The Valley Trail is a crushed rock trail that used to be a rail line. On the way out of town the Valley Trail passes by Charles R. Allen Park where there are shelters, picnic tables and interpretive signs.

Almost directly across the road from the park is the Becaguimac Stream Nature Trails. This trail system goes up through the Becaguimac Stream valley, in the wooded area between the fields and stream.

While you are exploring the trails in Hartland don't forget to check out the world's longest covered bridge. You have come all this way so you should drive through it at least once!


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