It was supposed to be over 30 degrees outside. Close to 40 with the humidity. I was trying to figure out whether I should take the kids to the beach or try to get to the Bay of Fundy when I got an e-mail about Raggedy Ass Falls. My fiance forwarded me an e-mail she got from a friend about their trip to the falls the previous weekend. I read about the falls on the Waterfalls of New Brunswick website and it said the falls had great pools for swimming. I quickly made plans to finally visit Welsford Falls, then find Raggedy Ass Falls and spend the rest of the day swimming.
We left the house early (with kids that means lunch time) and drove to Welsford. We parked at the end of Sullivan Lane near a house with a barking dog as was described on the Waterfalls of New Brunswick Website. We followed a short trail that was quite grown in and soon came to… a nice new access road where the rest of the path used to be. Not the website’s fault I just didn’t read the comments. I was going to go back for the car but the kids were excited so we continued up the access road.
We drove back towards Fredericton on route 101. The kids were fascinated when we passed a 3 story homemade water slide made of what looked like scaffolding and steel culverts. Not long after that we turned left onto Meadow Brook Road. The road was good for the most part but eventually turned into a gravel road that wasn’t in great shape. Nothing my new Civic couldn’t handle but we had to go slow. Really slow. I had to get two ladies that were waiting for us to pass to move out of the way so I could maneuver one large puddle. We crossed a small bridge and stayed right at the first Y, then mixed it up by staying right and then crossing another small bridge. We parked in a small area just past the second bridge.
The Waterfalls website and advice I got from Facebook were right. This looked like a great place to swim. You couldn’t see the bottom of the pool under the falls so I figured I would check it out. I went under and tried to touch bottom but couldn’t. My son even gave me a small tree to try to touch but to no avail. It was a very deep hole that was only 8-10 feet across. It made for a great swim. I even climbed up on one of the rocks by the falls and jumped in. The trail continued up past the falls on the right so we eventually climbed up looking for more swimming opportunities. The next hole was alright but not as good as the first so we continued up over these falls. This was more of a rock climb up the falls itself. The next falls was smaller but it had another very narrow deep pool under it, made by a large flat piece of rock that was laid on its end.
It was a quiet ride home as everyone was tired from all the swimming and climbing. We didn’t get out to pavement again until after 7PM. Now I am home with many pictures to go through. Next time we visit we will know better how to get to the falls so we can spend more time swimming and less time walking. I will post maps and directions as soon as possible so you will know too.
Could you please email me directions (the easier ones… lol)
I have just added written directions to the trail pages for Welsford Falls and Raggedy Ass Falls. Hope this helps.