The following blog post is part of the People Behind the Trails series that is meant to celebrate people who have a positive impact on hiking trails in the province. We hope it will inspire you to, in your own way, give back to the beautiful trail systems in the province.

Here is Poul’s story:

Mount Carleton
Mount Carleton
1. Tell us a bit about yourself?
Poul is the Executive Director of the New Brunswick Trails Council Inc. (NBTCI) He’s a trail fanatic and has a soft spot for horseback riding. He’s been on the trails all over the country (he’s been to the territories and to every province through Canada). He says that the trails in New Brunswick are something you just don’t get in other places in Canada, and some of the views here are just breathtaking.

He started off with NBTCI after riding horseback on the trail in Fredericton Junction. His experience on the trail caused him to become invested in making things better. He’s done horseback riding on the Trans Canada Trail from Fredericton to Perth Andover.

2. How long have you been hiking?
He’s been hiking on and off for the last 15 years.

Mactaquac Park
Mactaquac Park
3. What is your first memory of hiking?
His first memory of hiking in NB was on the Maliseet Trail to see Hayes Falls.

4. What is your favorite memory on the trails?
In 2003 Poul rode horseback through the Grog Brook Valley – the railbed trail between Tide Head and Kedgewick. When asked why, he said “It’s just a neat spot”

5. What is your favorite hiking trail in the province?
His favorite trail in the province is the Fundy Footpath.

6. What do you do to contribute to hiking trails in the province?
As Executive Director he is responsible for organizing the maintenance of all railway trails. There are the trails throughout the province that have been converted from a railbed to non-motorized trails. He is also contracted to maintain the rest of the trails in the province by their owners (mainly the Department of Natural Resources). He assists anyone who has any plans to develop trails and works hard himself to build new trail. Whether it be trails for hiking, cycling, walking, horseback, skiing, or snowshoeing!

Upper Salmon River
Upper Salmon River
7. What do you think is the biggest challenge for hiking trails in the province?
Getting noticed. New Brunswick has such amazing trails throughout the province and few people know about them!

8. What can people do to help build, maintain and promote hiking trails in the province?
Gather local & community support, become a Local Trail Sponsor, and lobby and promote all of the trails in NB!

For more information on the New Brunswick Trails Council go to Sentier NB Trails.

If you would like to contribute your story to Hiking NB please contact me at James Donald.

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